
On 10ThingsYogaMama you’ll find the tips and tools that have worked for me during pregnancy, labor and when I became a mama, everything from my yoga and dance background that has been useful in helping me to get by. And a bunch of cute stick figures too. 🙂

If you’re a pregnant mama: 

You can start here:

Or see all prenatal posts here

Yoga Music for Labor – 10 Songs I Prepared (But Never Got To Use!)

Although I had planned on it, I didn’t actually get around to listening to music during my 2 labors, even if I had prepared some for both occasions. The first time around, the labor was so intense from the get-go with contractions every 1-3 minutes, that I didn’t even think of the idea of having music playing. All I needed and wanted was silence, and the reassuring presences of my midwife and partner around me.

And my second labor went so fast that by the time we made it to the birthing center, my baby girl was already in my arms within a few minutes.. bliss. 🙂

But I would have loved to experience the soothing effects of music while laboring.

Relaxation during labor can help to lessen the sensations of pain, as well as create a climate of safety and trust, which in turn helps the body and mind to relax and let go.

It is even recommended to try dancing during labor. I did not get around to that one. LOL. But if you are able to, dancing, alone or with your partner during labor, can help us connect to the joyous nature of pregnancy and birth, create mobility in the body and help to relieve stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins into the body (the powerful pain-relieving and pleasure-enhancing hormone that our bodies produce during labor to help mediate the pain of contractions).

Here are 10 pieces of music that I would have liked to have included into my labors. There are no words, just sounds and melodies. 

Note: Some of these are also pieces that I love to use while teaching or practicing yoga. 

#1: Bija: Soothing Music and Mantras 

One of my classics! For yoga practice, as well as for moments of relaxation.

#2: Hoam: Moonrise 

A gentle instrumental and soothing piece.

#3: Spiegel im Spiegel for violin and piano 

This is one of my all-time favorite pieces, it is just so, so gentle. I love to use it for Savasana. It is a bit nostalgic though, so I don’t know how I would’ve actually enjoyed it during labor, but it was top of the list!

#4: Shivaratri: Mantra for Yoga Class 

I find this piece so appeasing, as it brings me calm and focus, and a feeling of release.

#5: Lienz: Heart 

This piece is stunningly beautiful..!

#6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSXc-a_AH2k 

This is a funny one to include, but it’s the music from this birth affirmations video by Indigo Midwifery that I mention in a few posts, which I used during my second pregnancy in preparation for labor and that was so helpful for me. And you’ll find beautiful birth affirmations too!

#7: Serene Morning 

This is another funny and random one that I’m almost embarrassed to include: it’s the alarm tone from my phone called “Serene Morning”. I found it so soothing to hear every morning during my second pregnancy, and it somehow made me feel so calm, that even though it only lasts 23 seconds, I actually prepared the link in loop mode and kept the page open days in advance before my second delivery, ready to play when the time came. Again, it all went so fast that I didn’t get the chance to use it, but would have loved to! (The link provided here is actually a version that is already looped for 10 minutes 🙂 )

#8: Eternal OM 

This is another one of my favorites for yoga class, especially for Savasana. It is about an hour of an ongoing om, calms and centers the mind. I think it would have been a nice tool to help me remain focused during labor. 

#9: Hoam: Long Drone (Savasana) 

This is a beautiful piece, made of only voices and very calming.

#10: Heart Sutra 

I just love this piece. You may well be familiar with music by Wah! from yoga classes, she has so much music to discover. This song actually does soften my heart 🙂 Without a doubt my favorite piece by her.


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