
So I only have 2 of my own recipes here for the moment, but they are indeed delicious ones :).

aboutbw2Hi! I’m Myriam, a former dancer turned yoga teacher based in Montreal. I’m also the mother of a beautiful toddler son and brand new baby daughter (oh the love!). I believe deeply in the virtues of bringing breath and body awareness as well as humor and loving-kindness to new mamas, and mamas-to-be! Read more→ 

Are you wondering about birth preparation? 

If you’re interested in birth preparation, I just launched a new ebook, which includes all of the resources that helped me to prepare physically and mentally in view of natural childbirth. 

Sunflower Seed Veggie Pâté in 4 Easy Steps

(If you’re not familiar with Veggie Pâté, it is somewhere between a paté and meatloaf, but made with veggies and sunflower seeds instead. It makes wonderful sandwiches and wraps, can be used in a salad or simply enjoyed on its own. A perfect snack during pregnancy and breastfeeding.)

There are a few things that I craved like mad during both my prenatal and postnatal phases, and one of them was Veggie Pâté.

I love Veggie Pâté. I really just can’t get enough. Seeing and tasting Veggie Pâté fills me with a feeling of warmth, an urge to write songs, or say.. an ode.. in fact..

Veggie Pâté 

Savory love 

I crave your tasty presence 

I covet your tender essence 

No other is above 

Ughh… Ends up there would be good reasons for this deep love and endless craving! Veggie Pâté is a significant source of Protein, Iron, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C (as well as a source of Calcium, Vitamin B6, B12 and Magnesium) and therefore a wonderful way to help nourish the pregnant and postnatal mama. 🙂 


4-Ingredient Magical Chocolate-Blueberry Smoothie

I don’t know what it is, but there’s something magical about this smoothie. The flavors seem to blend perfectly, the quantities are just right, and it feels like a decadent treat, when in fact it’s a simple, healthy and nutritious smoothie!

I just recently discovered this one, so I don’t know how it fares on the “pregnant-mamas’-desires” scale, but for the postnatal mama, it is a welcome addition to any day; not only is it filling and delicious, but it gives a bit of a mood perk too! (chocolate!!!) 

Whether it be a warm or a cool season, this smoothie is super for both. 


12 Tips for Breastfeeding Success

Before having my first baby, I was clueless as to how breastfeeding actually worked. I had seen my friends breastfeed, and gotten a few pointers during my prenatal class, but the mystery remained absolute, and was only to be revealed in real-time when baby finally arrived…

Many surprises ensued!

Day 1: Wow, these guys really have practiced their technique in the womb. Already so strong! (Aww 🙂 ) 

Week 1: Wait a second.. this hurts.. 

Month 1: Really, again? 

And so on. 

I didn’t realize to what extent breastfeeding is something you learn, that it takes time to “master”, and that there really are tools to help us get by. Here are 12 tips that helped me along my breastfeeding journeys. 


Mama & Baby Yoga – 10 (Not Relaxing, But Fun!) Exercises

So let’s be honest 🙂 , mum & baby yoga, is not relaxing yoga! It can be cute yoga, or fun yoga… but it is not relaxing yoga! Nor is it likely to be the deep or fulfilling practice you may be used to when you’re on your own.

That being said, it is an excellent way to get some movement into your day, and a chance to add loads of cuteness fuel to the cuteness tank. And if you’re going to a class, it’s a great way to meet with other mamas. ( … “I’m up every hour”… “Me too!!!..”)

Here are 10 yoga-inspired exercises that I love to do with baby. She thinks they’re hilarious. Prenatal and postnatal yoga is all about accommodating, so don’t be shy to adapt, and to –

Add some sounds! 

Some peek-a-boos! 

Some songs! 

Some cuddles! 

Look at baby right in the eyes! 

They usually like it, a lot! 

And of course, at any time, take a pause to see to any overwhelming urge to kiss the schnitzel out of your baby, or to change a diaper. 


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